- Miss Megatron the hen enjoying a cuddle with treats
- Hettie the African Pygmy Hedgehog
- Snakes about!
- It must be nearly Easter, the chicks are in!
- Bottle feeding Reuben the lamb
- A beautiful 2 week old rabbit kit
- Minions meeting our snakes
- Bearded dragons, Frankie and Bruno
- The boys loved the reptile handling party
- Miles the horsefield tortoise
- Meeting a cheeper
- Hettie the hedgehog drying off after a bath
- It’s not just the children who love the baby bunnies!
- Handsome the guinea-pig, such a friendly guy!
- Harry the hog making more smiles happen
- Just chilling out in the pool
- Everyone loves the snakes!
- Merlin and Marvelo the Royal Pythons
- Belly laughs make our job the best!
- Our male lop earred rabbit called Captain
- Is there anything cuter than a day old chick?
- Looking sheepish!
- Simba the Lionhead Bunny
- A sheep pose
- Dashy was curious as a lamb and is now positively nosy!
- A baby bunny out catching smiles
- Shelley the African Land Snail having an explore
- Miles the tortoise always makes people smile
- Dashy our superstar texal x lleyn sheep
- Batfink thinks she is a lapdog
- Roxy, one of our mini lop earred rabbit kits
- Who can resist such a good photo opportunity?
- A quail enjoying some early spring sunshine
- A firm favourite, chick and duckling out at events
- Upton the most photogenic lamb and now superstar Ewe
- A snake adventure
- Demonstrating a prickly ball – Eric Prickles the African Pygmy Hedgehog
- Merlin the snake out at Audley End Railway
- Sheep walking at Weald Park
- Runner ducklings having a splash in the kitchen sink
- Introducing Rapunzel the duck to some new friends
- Partridge chicks growing up ready for Christmas fetes
- Watson sharing kisses with Turbo the farm dog
- Our runner duckling loving a cuddle
- Handling Ember the Leopard Gecko at an Animal Encounters party
- Director Emma with Upton our favourite sheep
- A Rhode Island Red x White Sussex hen chick who hatched just 2 days ago
- Shelley the Giant African Land Snail enjoying some lunch
- Summer fete’s are more fun with cute animals about
- A litter of kits (baby rabbits) at 1 day old. The mum Cinnabun made a beautiful warm nest for them
- Harry the hedgehog out and about
- A teacup of silkie chicks
- Sheep walking, even better than dog walking!
- Eric Prickles the African Pygmy Hedgehog
- Harriet and Fire out at a beautiful sunny school fete
- Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
- Captain the bunny making new friends
- Merlin the Royal Python loves a bath, it helps remove any skin that hasn’t shed
- Party handling is always a huge success
- Upton our superstar Hampshire Down x Lleyn ewe
- Director Emma holding Reuben and Watson
- 2 day old cheeper (quail chick) basking in the sunshine
- Leopard geckos really are amazing
- A bluetit who was successfully released in 2014 after being attacked by a cat
- Dashy the sheep is such a handsome chap
- Merlin exploring at an Animal Encounters party
- Australian Maclaeys Spectre, or Spiny Stick Insect
- Shepards enjoying our nativity setup at a Christmas event
- Hotdog and Princess the Tufted Appleyard ducklings, 2 of our favourite ducklings ever!
- Taking Upton for a walk
- Claude our Hermit Crab
- Farm to Fork day at an Infant School
- Isabelle winning 2nd place at Essex Young Farmers with Dashy
- Love birds Captain and Cinnabun our mini lop earred rabbits
- Batfink the hen who lays dark brown eggs everyday
- Isabelle giving Reuben the lamb a cuddle
- Peach our Indian Stick Insect
- Giant millepedes are fascinating to watch walking!